Friday, 18 November 2016

Autumn Colour

        "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower"  by Albert Camus is one of my favorite fall quotes, and so very true. By now, most of the leaves have fallen, so some of these photos were taken a few weeks ago. A few years ago I bought a little maple to grow in a container on my patio, but after several years of the leaf tips turning brown every summer, I decided to plant it in the ground. It is much happier now, and no brown leaves! This spring I bought a new shrub to replace my elderberry that died, and even though it is still small, I love the colours of the leaves, both in the summer and now. 
  I attempted to grow cantaloupe this summer, even though our summers are too cool for them, and what did I get? One little cantaloupe that I babied with a cold frame into early October and wasn't quite ripe when I picked it, but we sure enjoyed it! There's also a few blooms left, and a picture of our kitten Oliver who is six months old now. What are your favorite plants for fall colour? 


Maple leaves

Burning bush
Burning bush and Chester

Ninebark and Viburnum


Choisya ternata

One Last Cosmos bloom

Oliver with some summer annuals still blooming